The RCLD at Georgia State provides comprehensive standardized assessment for students with suspected learning disorders.
These affordable assessments:
- Are for students experiencing academic difficulties related to reading, writing, math, learning, attention, organization, communication and mood.
- Identify learning differences and make recommendations for individualized accommodations that may be appropriate for the postsecondary environment.
Commonly Diagnosed Disorders
Students do not need to be evaluated at an RCLD if they prefer a private evaluation. If a student already has documentation, it should be submitted to the disability services office at his or her institution.
Evaluation Process
University System of Georgia (USG) Students
To be eligible to receive an evaluation from the RCLD at Georgia State, one must be
- currently enrolled in one of our referring Board of Regents' colleges or universities, or
- admitted for enrollment, or
- undergoing special admissions review.
Students must be referred to the RCLD Georgia State by the disability services provider (DSP) at their institution.
Schools Served by the RCLD at Georgia State
High School and Technical School Students
On a space available basis, the RCLD at Georgia State may be authorized to serve students not accepted to a USG institution, such as
- Students enrolled in the Technical College System of Georgia
- High school students in transition to college
To determine if the RCLD at GSU is currently able to provide services to a non-USG student, please contact the RCLD at Georgia State.
University System of Georgia Students
Contact the disability services provider (DSP) at your school to assist in determining that an evaluation is necessary. Request a referral packet (general information, questionnaires, etc.) from the DSP. Complete the packet and return to the DSP.
When the DSP receives the completed referral packet, he/she
- Will check the referral packet to be sure all of the necessary pieces are present
- Will mail the packet to the RCLD at Georgia State for review
- Will not read the information. All information sent to a center will be kept strictly confidential.
High School Students
Contact the RCLD at Georgia State to determine if referrals are being taken at this time, and if so, obtain a referral packet. Complete referral packet, and return it to the RCLD at Georgia State by mail. Include your payment with the packet.
When the packet has been received and reviewed, the RCLD at Georgia State will contact you to schedule your appointment.
**Please note that high school students are seen on a space available basis.
Technical School Students
Contact the Access Office or Office of Disability Services at your institution. Ask to speak with the disability services provider (DSP) who is coordinating disability services for students at your college. Request a referral packet from the DSP. The DSP may refer you directly to the RCLD at Georgia State to obtain the packet. If so, contact the RCLD at Georgia State at 404 413-6245 to determine if referrals are being taken at this time, and if so, obtain a referral packet. Complete the referral packet and return it to the RCLD at Georgia State by mail. Include your payment with the packet.
When the packet has been received and reviewed, the RCLD at Georgia State will contact you to schedule your appointment.
**Please note that technical school students are seen on a space available basis.
RCLD at Georgia State Mailing AddressRegents Center for Learning Disorders |
To avoid a delay in scheduling
**Please note that rhe evaluation of students under the age of 18 requires parent consent.
When it has been determined that a packet is complete, the RCLD at Georgia State will contact the student to schedule the appointments. Evaluations are conducted at the RCLD at Georgia State located in the Urban Life Building on Georgia State's campus.
All information will be kept as confidential as state and federal regulations allow.
Day 1 | 4-5 hours | Clinical interview, a battery of educational, psychological, and cognitive tests to assess a student's intellectual ability and academic achievement in core areas, (i.e., reading, math, and written language) |
Day 2 | 4-5 hours | Continuation of a battery of tests to assess academic achievement, as well as a student's cognitive and linguistic processing abilities, and other psychological factors that might impact learning |
Feedback | 1-2 hours | Review the test results Make recommendations for academic accommodations and other support services Answer any questions |
Written Report | -- | Describes all the tests that were administered and the scores obtained Documents the presence of any disability that warrants academic accommodation Lists appropriate accommodations and other recommendations |
Methods of payment include:
- cash
- check
- money order
- credit card
Insurance--The RCLD at Georgia State does not file for insurance payments, but will provide students with the necessary documentation so that they may file with their insurance carrier after they have made full payment. Students should be aware that many insurance plans will not reimburse them for this type of evaluation.
Third Party Payments (e.g., Department of Rehabilitation Services, Veteran Affairs)--The client must supply the RCLD at Georgia State with an official letter from the third party (on letterhead) authorizing services and detailing payment information. This letter should be submitted with the referral packet.