What We Do
The Regents Center for Learning Disorders at Georgia State University (RCLD), one of three centers across the state of Georgia, was established by the University System Board of Regents. Our purpose is to serve students with learning disorders that impact academic, cognitive and/or behavioral/emotional functioning at the postsecondary level. The RCLDs provide assessments, documentation review, consultation, research, resources and training related to students who have learning disorders.
Regents Centers in Georgia
Establishing Uniformity Across Colleges and Universities in the University of Georgia
Each RCLD is responsible for serving designated colleges and universities within a geographic region (referring institutions). The RCLDs were created in response to a need to establish uniformity across the colleges and universities in the USG in the identification of students with learning disorders. A primary purpose of the RCLDs is to administer a consistent policy and clearly-defined disability eligibility criteria at USG institutions, allowing otherwise qualified students with learning disorders to access appropriate academic accommodations and services.
The Regents Centers for Learning Disorders Provide…
- Comprehensive standardized assessments for students with learning disorders
- Review of documentation submitted by referring institutions in support of student requests for accommodations
- Recommendations regarding appropriate accommodations and services
- Consultation, networking and program development to assist students, faculty and staff at referring institutions
- Research focusing on assessment and accommodation of students with disabilities in postsecondary settings
- Clinical training opportunities in graduate level psychology, education, and related programs